What a cafufle in Toronto over a dog and God this morning! A kind and gentle priest, being presented with a smiling dog at communion, gave the dog the sacrament. A parishioner, shocked and horrified that the body/blood/soul/divinity of Christ would be shared with a fiilthy dog, has filed a formal complaint with the bishop and left the church.
Ok, I can see the person's point: the dog is certainly not a baptized Christian with full understanding of the sacrament, which could equally be said of the apostles at the last supper, I expect. But the apostles were not dogs, but humans.
Jesus died for love, we are told. Is there anything he wouldn't do for love? I cannot imagine that there is, so when the priest responded to the communicant's love for his dog, I believe it was a divine inspiration to do so.
Wouldn't be beautiful if we were all equally responsive to the impulses of Love?
I am off to give Mr. Murphy a great big hug! Have a lovely day, all!
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