Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Ebb and Flow...

I'm watching the arrival of Spring in Niagara.  A week ago the trees were skeletal and while there were some crocuses colouring up the gardens, it still looked very much like post-winter scruff out there.

Today, as I look out from this wonderful panoramic office, I see green on every branch as leaves begin to expand and unfurl.  The Magnolia across the street is about to burst.  The fruit trees and ornamental trees are blossoming.  Daffodils are neon against the dark ground.  And the lawns are greening and growing. Ahhh, Spring.

I love this time of year.  I appreciate the delicate colours and the way that everything just knows how to thrive and stretch and be so very beautiful.  It speaks to me of cycles and intuitive processes set into perpetual motion.  And we are all a part of that.  We are part of growing and evolving and becoming ever more beautiful.

This new life and rebirth has a more poignant meaning for me this year.  With the move, we are uprooting ourselves and setting down in a new place.  Goodbyes and hellos. 

I know there are times like this in everyone's life.  What have you said goodbye to?  What have you embraced?  Often as we let go and let the path unfold it leads to a place of greater beauty and understanding. IT begins with the willingness to reach out and say hello.  What does that mean for you today?

I am ready to let go of this house and the unfinished dreams.  I trust that our new place means a bright new beginning. Divine Timing. Possibilities and potential.  Yes, something good is coming.  I wish the same for you, too!

Back to the boxes...

Have a wonderful day, everyone.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Up With the Chickens

Well, after yesterday's dismal cold and SNOW, it is a beautiful bright day here in NOTL.  Everywhere you look there are more and more signs of spring as colour returns to the landscape.

I was up early to visit the liquor store.  Wait, that isn't like it sounds.  Saturday morning, they put out the boxes for recyling and so, it is a great way to get strong boxes with lids. 

Jean is still under the weather and is resting.  I think she has come to the conclusion she is dealing with bronchitis - which she gets a few times a year when it is allergy season.  She is feeling miserable and just wants to sleep, so I am packing up the craft cupboard up here in the office and listening to smooth jazz.

I'll miss this room.  It is an old sunporch and so has panaoramic windows on three sides.  I can see busy Queen St to my right, people passing by in front and down towards the lake.  I watch the horse and carriages amble by, lovers holding hands, families bouncing along, neighbours walking their dogs.  The new office overlooks the driveway...  *sigh*

It has been delightful to live in Old Town, but we are ready for a new adventure.  There is a lovely big backyard at the new place which older son Simon is anxious to tame.  Apparently, there are some very nice gardens that need some TLC.

Time to make a cup of tea and tape up the boxes that I have loaded so far.  Such a feeling of accomplishment!

Hope you are enjoying your day,

Friday, April 9, 2010

One foot In Front of The Other

Happy Friday.  It has been an eventful day so far.  The fellow came and cleared away the huge branch that landed in the backyard over the past weekend, I have a pending wedding booking, organized movers to come on May 4th and soon I'll be heading out to the health food store for an order for Jean.  She is still under the weather, but feeling more like herself.  There is this wonderful product called Umcka that helped her the last time she had bronchitis and I think that this will help again.

We keep hearing that the most important thing is to ignore appearances and stay as joyful as we can.  That is not easy especially in the light of Jean's health challenge and the great long list of things to do as we prepare to move.

Please continue to hold Jean in your prayers and we will do the same for you.

Have a good weekend,

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A New Perspective

Well, supper is cooking, I officiated at weddings for two very lovely couples and their respective entourages this afternoon and life seems a little less stressful tonight.  Jean is still coughing, but she is noticably better.  And, it has stopped raining too.

After this morning's pity party, I remembered the most important way to deal with "brain scream."  Take action.  Do something.  Even if all you can manage is a conditional leap of faith, it shifts the energy. So, I cleaned the living room for two hours.  And, gave the rest to God.  Left it on the voicemail for when God returned from Miami.

So, I heard back from a wedding couple that had phoned last month.  They were ready to make a deposit.  A cheque arrived in the mail.  We got a lead on a $50 lawn mower.

And so, as the lovely smell of meatloaf wafts from the kitchen, I am feeling quite peaceful and content.  Things are still pressing and there is a ton of work ahead, but, it can wait till the morning.  I think a nice movie with Jean  is in the cards.  She could use the company. And now that I am in a happier frame of mind, she'll probably welcome me and my DVD. :)

Peace, out.

Ready to chew nails.

Okay.  I am usually an easy going kind of person.  I go with the flow and ride the tide.  I have learned through the course of my life that things have a way of working out.

With the impending move, I find my stress level soaring.  It is an unexpected move and is causing a disruption to the flow of business.  Now is the time that I should be making crosses for the end of the year graduations and getting word out to schools and churches etc.  I have two weddings this afternoon and that necessitates a cleaning of the living room, which at this point is full of things being sorted through.  I was going to take the couples next door to the house I am looking after, but the workman painting the den is there.  Oy.

Frankly, I am pooped.  I have been here before in my life.  I have gotten through it.  But it always feels like this one is just toooooo much.  I am sure you have been here too.

My life lesson has always been about trust.  Coming off the slow season, Jean out of commission, my stress level off the chart, finding monies to make this move....  somehow things will come together.  I think that this is one of those intersecting points in time when I just have to give over the reins to the higher power and trust.  I've run out of steam. 

I know I am being whiny.  I know angels are on the case.  I'm just having one of those mornings when it feels like God has gone to Miami.  The angels say that when big obstacles come it is a sign that things are clearing and a better way is being made.  I am looking forward to the rest stop and a drink with a little umbrella in it.

Thanks for listening,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Honorable Mention on Elope Niagara, Niagara's Destination Wedding Site :: Blog

Just saw this earlier tonight!    Elope Niagara, Niagara's Destination Wedding Site
You may have to scroll up to see the pictures.

Kim and Kathy are fabulous photographers and I enjoy working with them at weddings around the Niagara area!