Monday, September 13, 2010


Today in NOTL:  Gorgeous, sunny day with noontime temps of 72F/22C and a sweet breeze outside.  What a day!

Jewellery party was a lot of fun, Deb says, and both her bracelets and my pendants sold!  Whoohoo!  It was a huge affirmation of our work.  Today we'll be uploading to the Etsy shop and I'll post more pictures. 

The Angels tell us that whatever gives us joy is our channel to spread Love to the world.  We take them at their word, so everything we create goes out with blessings.  The idea of our joys being our vehicles for spreading love is not one I was taught in church school.  There, I heard a lot more about how God was pleased when I offered my sufferings as a gift - and how my happiness was irrelevant. 

That has never made sense to me; I wouldn't be pleased by someone's pain and I'm only a human with human love.  If I want my loved ones to have joy, how much more does Creator want us to experience joy? 
Hope your day is filled with joy!

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